If you are in suicidal crisis or emotional distress call 9-8-8 or text SAVE to 9-8-8.  In the case of a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1.

What We Do

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for middle and high school youth ages 12-18 (2020 CDC WISQARS). This is the motivation behind what we do at Peer Initiative. It is why we fight.

We are a teen suicide prevention nonprofit inspired by the actions of a high school student who took it upon himself to support his classmates after they lost a classmate to suicide. We save teen lives through a combination of peer support, awareness education, advocacy, and community outreach.

Please use this site to explore what we are all about. We hope that once you learn more about us that you will join us in our fight to save teen lives from death by suicide.

Annual Suicide Attempts
Yearly Deaths by Suicide
Daily Deaths by Suicide

*All statistics are provided by the National Center for Health. Based on 2020 U.S. data.

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